Breaking force related code out of Scene


If we are going to be adding move forces to our scene then we should encapsulate the force related code in it’s own class. Otherwise a scene will be bloated with code that isn’t really its responsibility. To that end we are going to introduce the NetForceAccumulator class, which as the name implies will accumulate all the forces acting on an entity.


class NetForceAccumulator
        std::vector<ConstantForceGenerator> m_constant_forces;
        GravityForceGenerator m_gravity_force;
        bool gravity_on;


            Constructs a NetForceAccumulator

            Adds a new constant force to the simuluation
            @param a acceleration vector of the new constant force
        void AddConstantForce(Vector3Gf a);

            Enables/Disables universial gravitation between entities
            @param enable true to turn on gravtational attraction, false to turn off
        void EnableGravity(bool enable);

            Computes the net force acting on an entity in the sumulation via accumulation
            @param entity_ptrs list of all entities in the simulation
            @param entity_ptr entity whom the net force is acting on
            @param force vector that will be modified to contain the net force acting on the supplied entity
        void ComputeNetForce(
            const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
            const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr,
            Vector3Gf &force) const;

            Computes the net force jacobian for the supplied entity
            @param entity_ptrs list of all entities in the simulation
            @param entity_ptr entity whom the net force is acting on
            @param dFdx matrix that will be modified to contain the net force jacobian with respect to position
            @param dFdx matrix that will be modified to contain the net force jacobian with respect to velocity
        void ComputeNetForceJacobian(
            const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
            const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr,
            Eigen::Matrix<GLfloat,3,3> &dFdx,
            Eigen::Matrix<GLfloat,3,3> &dFdv) const;



void NetForceAccumulator::AddConstantForce(Vector3Gf a)

void NetForceAccumulator::EnableGravity(bool enable)
    gravity_on = enable;

void NetForceAccumulator::ComputeNetForce(
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
    const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr,
    Vector3Gf &force) const
    for(ConstantForceGenerator constant_force : m_constant_forces)

        for(std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> other_entity_ptr : entity_ptrs)
            if(other_entity_ptr != entity_ptr)

void NetForceAccumulator::ComputeNetForceJacobian(
            const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
            const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr,
            Eigen::Matrix<GLfloat,3,3> &dFdx,
            Eigen::Matrix<GLfloat,3,3> &dFdv) const
        for(std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> other_entity_ptr : entity_ptrs)
            if(other_entity_ptr != entity_ptr)


Since we only need the ability to compute forces to time integrate forward we can remove Scene from the dependency list for TimeIntegrator and replace it with NetForceAccumulator This allows us to remove that ugly forward declaration we introduced in Updated TimeIntegrator. Naturally this change will require changing all the concrete implementations of TimeIntegrator, which you can grab from github at the bottom of this article.

class TimeIntegrator
        GLfloat m_dt;

         virtual ~TimeIntegrator(){};

            Public interface for all solvers. 
            Computes position and velocity updates by solving Newton's equations of motion.
            Updates entity_ptr buffers with next predicted position and velocity
            @param net_force_accumulator accumulates the net force acting on entity_ptr
            @param entity_ptrs list of all the PhysicsEntities in the scene
            @param entity_ptr pointer to the entity being updated
         void StepForward(
            const NetForceAccumulator& net_force_accumulator,
            const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
            const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr);

            Returns the current step size for the integrator
        GLfloat GetStepSize();

            Private implementation details for solver.
            @param net_force_accumulator accumulates the net force acting on entity_ptr
            @param entity_ptrs list of all the PhysicsEntities in the scene
            @param entity_ptr pointer to the entity being updated
         virtual void Solve(
            const NetForceAccumulator& net_force_accumulator,
            const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity>> &entity_ptrs,
            const std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr) = 0;


All force related code in Scene is replaced with a NetForceAccumulator member variable. The only method that’s changed as opposed to being flat out removed is StepPhysics, which now passes forward the NetForceAccumulator m_net_force_accumulator.

void Scene::StepPhysics()
    for(std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr : m_physics_entity_ptrs)

    for(std::shared_ptr<PhysicsEntity> entity_ptr : m_physics_entity_ptrs)



no flashy results this time, just cleaner code.