CBackwardEuler | Implementation of Backward Euler method for solving Newton's Laws |
CCamera | A Camera is used to view a scene from a particular vantage point |
CConstantForceGenerator | A constant force throughout all space |
CExplicitEuler | Implementation of Explicit Euler method for solving Newton's equations of motion |
CGravityForceGenerator | Computes graviational force of attraction between 2 entities |
CLight | |
CLinearDragForceGenerator | Computes a simple linear drag force on the provided entity |
CMaterial | |
CMesh | |
CMidpointMethod | Implementation of Midpoint method for solving Newton's Laws |
CModel | Defines a model used for rendering |
CNetForceAccumulator | |
CPhysicsEntity | An entity subject to the laws of physics |
CQuaternion | Data structure reprenseting a Quaternion |
CRectangularPrism | |
CScene | A scene in the engine |
CShader | |
CSphere | A sphere |
CSpring | Data structure that represents a spring |
CSpringForceGenerator | Computes the spring force resulting from 2 entities being connected by a spring |
CSymplecticEuler | Implementation of Symplectic Euler method for solving Newton's equations of motion |
CTimeIntegrator | An abstact base class for all grid based numerical ODE solvers for Newton's laws |
CVerlet | Implementation of velocity Verlet method for solving Newton's Laws |