Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBackwardEulerImplementation of Backward Euler method for solving Newton's Laws
 CCameraA Camera is used to view a scene from a particular vantage point
 CConstantForceGeneratorA constant force throughout all space
 CExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit Euler method for solving Newton's equations of motion
 CGravityForceGeneratorComputes graviational force of attraction between 2 entities
 CLinearDragForceGeneratorComputes a simple linear drag force on the provided entity
 CMidpointMethodImplementation of Midpoint method for solving Newton's Laws
 CModelDefines a model used for rendering
 CPhysicsEntityAn entity subject to the laws of physics
 CQuaternionData structure reprenseting a Quaternion
 CSceneA scene in the engine
 CSphereA sphere
 CSpringData structure that represents a spring
 CSpringForceGeneratorComputes the spring force resulting from 2 entities being connected by a spring
 CSymplecticEulerImplementation of Symplectic Euler method for solving Newton's equations of motion
 CTimeIntegratorAn abstact base class for all grid based numerical ODE solvers for Newton's laws
 CVerletImplementation of velocity Verlet method for solving Newton's Laws